Twenty-eight applications proceed to stage two
Future Challenges in the Nordics – People, Culture and Society received 449 applications in the first stage of the application process. Based on a shortlist drawn up by a panel of experts, the steering group of the programme has chosen 28 applications that will proceed to stage two.
The panel of experts reviewing the 449 applications consisted of professors and emeritus professors, appointed because of their broad expertise beyond their main subjects. The applications were distributed so that each panellist received about 90 applications to evaluate, and each application was evaluated by two experts.
The panel of experts selected 25 applications for an A-list and 26 applications for a B-list. The B-list was drawn up so that the steering group would have alternatives to the projects on the A-list. They would also be able to supplement the A-list with projects from the B-list if necessary.
“The panel of experts agreed that these were 51 high-quality applications. In addition to these, 25 more were discussed but not placed on either of the lists. Those applications were also very good,” said Christer Kuvaja, Head of Research at the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland and coordinator of the research programme.

Of these applications, the panel of experts nominated the top 15 applications on the A-list, which were considered outstanding. On the B-list, the top eight applications were nominated.
Last week, the steering group, consisting of representatives of the programme’s financiers, met to choose which of the shortlisted projects would proceed to stage two of the application process.
“The steering group decided that all of the 25 applications on the A-list would proceed to stage two. They also decided that three of the top eight applications on the B-list would proceed. Thus, 28 applications in total moved on to the second stage.”
All of the proceeding applications were multidisciplinary. Sorted according to main field of research, nine represented political science or sociology, five law or ethics, five history, three communication and media, two pedagogy, two languages or literature, one economics and one ethnology.
The applications proceeding to stage two will submit a full application and project plan between 15th May and 18th June 2021. The full applications will again be evaluated by the panel of experts, which recommends projects for funding to the steering group. The steering group will present a final proposal to the funders of the research programme in September. The funders will make their funding decisions in October or November 2021. The projects can start in 2022.